
I’m a pastry baker trapped in the body of an engineer!  Baking is my happy place; it’s what I do when I’m happy, stressed out, sad, or just bored. I don’t even mind cleaning up my baking messes. My gift is making people feel loved…and cookies go right to someone’s heart!

I have a huge baking dream! I’m sharing it here to keep it real and on my radar. My dream is to have a space where I can bake, have cooking classes (to teach people who don’t know how to cook to cook!), have a craft studio to teach card making classes (I’m an independent Stampin’ Up! demonstrator),  and a homey space where people can enjoy their baked goodies, have bible studies, meet with friends, and just be if they need to just be. It’s a huge vision and I have no idea how I’m going to get there, but I’m putting my trust in the Lord and meanwhile I’ll keep baking!